Tuesday, October 02, 2007

A heavy right winger...

So I am back at La Rochelle airport, I’m doing the round trip with Flybe from Southampton, which means flying out on Saturday Morning, returning Monday afternoon. I flew out on Saturday because there were no flights available on Friday afternoon or evening something to do with a little rugby tournament going on. We were in illustrious company on the flight out, with world record breaking yachts woman Ellen MacArthur (check her out at www.ellenmacarthur.com , I had to as I really did not know that much about what she has been up to since her round the world trip) .

We flew out on a little Embraer jet instead of the turbo prop we had last week which means the journey was about 20 minutes shorter than last week. I had pre-booked my seat on the Flybe web site but when I got to the gate I was collared by the ground staff to have my seat changed ‘for the trim of the aircraft’, am I really that heavy. When I got on board I discovered the real reason, I was booked in seat 7D however there were only three seats across in this plane, so you could say it was for the trim of the aircraft, I don’t think they wanted passengers sitting on the wing!

I made it back to Sigogne in record time, there is a lot less traffic on the road now that the main tourist season is over so it only took me an hour and ten minutes to drive from La Rochelle. Franca and Fleur waited for me before they went off to a birthday party for one of the children at Fleur’s school. Whilst they went partying I was laying more bricks. Three hours on Saturday afternoon and three hours on Sunday morning and I finally finished my little bit of wall. It had taken me 12 hours to cut and lay 26 load bearing breeze blocks to hold up a wall which I did not think was particularly safe without the extra support. I don’t think I would do very well on a building site being paid by piece work. That was about the extent of the work for this weekend, having lost most of Saturday to travel and Sunday afternoon to networking at a brocante at a local chateau. The brocante was nothing to write home and we left after only about 45 minutes, I never used to visit car boot sales in the UK and now I know why, although in this brave green world we now live in the more that gets re-used the better.

Building work is progressing well on room 2 and it should be more or less finished on time, apart from some debate over sourcing the bi-fold door for the bathroom, which is apparently not really known in France, except on wardrobes. If the building work is complete, then next weekend will be taken up with painting room two.

The plane has just arrived, and it looks like we have got one of Flybe’s new Large Embraer jets, so we will be back in Southampton quite quickly, that’s three different flights and three different types of aircraft, let hope there is a seat 7D on this flight because my seat has not been changed this time

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