Last weekend I did not do any work on the house as we had a mini weekend away in Bordeaux. Julien Clerc (a French singer for those that don't know) was giving a concert in Bordeaux, and since Franca is one of his greatest fans we had to be there, well she had to be there, we went along to make sure Julien was OK. By we I mean Fleur and I, it was Fleurs' first live adult concert, she has seen the Balamory show live, but this was her first music concert and she loved it. I am not a fan of Julien Clerc but his music is good in parts and so was the concert. He is undoubtedly a good live performer in a French sort of way, what do I mean by that, well you get a much deeper explanation of some of the songs, and all the collaborators get a mention, and even the road crew got thanked by name during the concert. I enjoyed it, and Franca thought it was absolutely fantastic, it would be the other way round if we went to a Pink Floyd or Genesis concert, though I am not sure where Fleur would stand on that one.
Fleur also enjoyed the fact that it was here first time in a hotel, that she can remember, she has stayed in quite a few hotels but she was too young to remember, she certainly enjoyed her breakfast on Sunday morning.. and in the end her eyes were of course bigger than her tummy.
Well now its back to work, the plane flew as normal this morning, and the trains were back to normal as well, just in time for the next storm to arrive! time to batten down the hatches again..
Hi Darren,
I'm a Julien-friend of your dear wife Franca (though we never met, but hope to visit one day your B&B!) and my husband was dragged along to a concert of JC in New York. He could write the same comment as you did, however, he actually LIKED JC! How's that possible?? But it was his first and last concert I'm afraid and he prefers Pink Floyd...
Best regards,
Hi Laura
Pink Floyd well your husband has good musical tastes. I did like the concert, he is a good performer it is more that the style of music is not my favourite. But I discovered at the concert that he has more than one style.
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